Leo Horoscope for August 2024

Free astrology predictions for Leo zodiac sign in the month of August 2024: love, career, health, horovisor’s advice.

Leo Love Horoscope for August 2024

Because Venus, the planet of love and couples, is in Cancer, August 2024 doesn't promise exceptional relational development.

Everything seems to happen in the shadow or secretly. You shouldn't get your hopes too high because you might be disappointed. In August 2024, it's best that you have moderate expectations, and if you happen to have a nice surprise, the better!

Another way of Venus to express in Cancer would be abeyance: nothing much will happen on the relational realm, things will stagnate.

However, there is something that could trouble your relationships in August 2024: communication. Particularly in the first week, through the incomplete, confusing or wrong messages that you'll send or receive, and throughout the whole month by the tendency to accuse or to react too fast and in a risky way when speaking or writing.

Leo Finance and Career Horoscope for August 2024

If you haven't been able to go on holiday in August 2024, don't be sorry! This period could be professionally fruitful, bring you success and financial satisfaction.

The Sun in Leo will lend you glow, prestige and strength, will make you stand out and will strengthen your image of a leader or of a winner.

Mercury, still located in Leo, will become stronger once it resumes its straight movement, lending you a clear mind, logic, ingenious ideas, ability to learn fast, ability to edit, good capacity to express in writing and orally. You'll be successful especially in administrative, intellectual and creative-artistic activities.

The combination Mars-Saturn in Libra will also make your mind sharper, but it can do the same with your tongue. You'll tend to use tough language and to make tough decisions. You'll tend to impose your point of view by force and this could prove to be detrimental to some harmonious collaboration or successful negotiation.

Financially, there'll be some improvement in the situation starting the second week of August 2024.

Leo Health Horoscope for August 2024

You'll have a lot of energy and good physical resistance.

You won't have great morale though and your nervous system won't be great either. You'll tend to look at the negative side of things and you'll manifest restlessly and irritably risking accidents in addition to stress and conflicts.

Have more rest, keep calm and drive safely!

Horovisor’s Advice for Leo in August 2024

When you feel like saying something sarcastic, remember that kind words are sometimes better!

August 2024 Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs

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