Leo Horoscope for December 2024

Free astrology predictions for Leo zodiac sign in the month of December 2024: love, career, health, horovisor’s advice.

Leo Love Horoscope for December 2024

December 2024 will find you in a romantic mood and it can signal the beginning of a new love or it can simply prove to be very sensual, scattered with special erotic experiences.

The tendency towards flirt and frivolous attitude will be stronger than usual, not necessarily in a bad way. You'll have enhanced sentimental and sensorial availability, which will attract, excite, energize. There might also be a call for adventure urging you to brave actions in the name of love.

Leo's house of love and sexuality will be intensely stimulated in December 2024 by the transit of the Sun, Mercury and Venus, but all these planets will take turns in making an opposition with Jupiter. This could contribute to more freedom and to a bit of craziness that adds charm to passionate love, but could also lead to excesses exposing to risks.

Older relationships will be firmly rooted in home and family-related interests.

Leo Finance and Career Horoscope for December 2024

A lot of action, a lot of dynamism, but a lot of stress too. December 2024 will be a busy period in which there might appear emergencies or special situations, of the kind demanding fast decisions or interventions.

With Mars in Leo's house of work, there must always happen something to mobilize, challenge or maybe annoy you. However, resistance to effort will be good and you'll manage to carry it all out if you're patient and professional.

There'll also be benevolence on behalf of fate, which, at one point, will help you be at the right place at the right time to take advantage of an opportunity. Moreover, all throughout December 2024 the planetary configuration will help you stand out, promote your talents, whichever they are, including the creative-artistic ones. The best results will come in the second part of the month.

Financially, the first part of December 2024 will seem interesting as regards home, real estate and patrimony goods and investment; the second part of the month will make money easier to earn, but it'll encourage waste.

Leo Health Horoscope for December 2024

A period in which you'll have to take care of yourself.

With Mars in Leo's house of health, there might appear problems such as infections, inflammations, fever, bleedings or ailments or accidents on account of haste or carelessness.

In December 2024 you can schedule an appointment at the dentist or even a minor surgery.

Horovisor’s Advice for Leo in December 2024

Be careful when handling tools and instruments, at home or at work!

December 2024 Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs

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