Chantrea Name Meaning

Category: Khmer
Number of name: 7
Planet of name: Ketu
Zodiac: Scorpio

Numerology Meaning of name Chantrea (#7)

Ruling Planet of name Chantrea (Ketu)

Ketu is the rest of Rahu's body, it bestows spiritual tendencies and asceticism. It has an inherent sense of spirituality, asceticism, and nonattachment to worldly desires and ambitions. As a half-planet, the planet of Ketu is also a half-planet that bestows wisdom, powers of discrimination and gyana-spiritual knowledge: the knowledge about the self.

Zodiac Meaning of name Chantrea (Scorpio)

Positive Traits: Brave Loyal Ambitious Honest Independent Intuitive Passionate Curious

Negative Traits: Secretive Possessive Jealous Stubborn Dominating

Name meaning by letters

C – enjoy living, caring, expressive, helping, artistic, creative
H – power-seeking, snobbish, materialistic, highly practical, practical
A – They are the pioneers, leaders, dominant, independent, individualistic
N – fun-loving, visionary, freedom-loving, adventurous
T – They are the mediators, cooperative, considerate, adaptive by personality
R – selflessnesses, creative, high spirit, humanitarian, giving
E – fun-loving, visionary, freedom-loving, adventurous

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