Eden Name Meaning

Category: English (Modern), Hebrew
Number of name: 1
Planet of name: Sun
Zodiac: Leo

Numerology Meaning of name Eden (#1)

Ruling Planet of name Eden (Sun)

The Sun is karaka of Father: health, dominance, power, courage, heat, kings royal favor, high status, summer, medicine, mountain, forest, Govt. officials.

Zodiac Meaning of name Eden (Leo)

Positive Traits: Generous Magnanimous by nature Loyal Optimistic Honest Leadership Protective Confident Ambitious

Negative Traits: Dominating Stubborn Arrogant Inflexible Jealous Constant desire for Recognition

Name meaning by letters

E – fun-loving, visionary, freedom-loving, adventurous
D – down to earth, hard-working, slow and steady, service
N – fun-loving, visionary, freedom-loving, adventurous

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