Gal Name Meaning

Category: Hebrew
Number of name: 4
Planet of name: Rahu
Zodiac: Virgo

Numerology Meaning of name Gal (#4)

Ruling Planet of name Gal (Rahu)

In the world, Rahu is a karake or indicator of worldly desires: greed and high-intelligence. It is a karaka (or indicator) of worldly desire for fame in general; dementia and inertia. It is known that the nature of this Graha is Vata, or Airy.

Zodiac Meaning of name Gal (Virgo)

Positive Traits: Hardworking Helpful Patient Reliable Analytical Intelligent Honest Perfectionist Observant

Negative Traits: Stubborn Judgmental Overthinking Critical Fussy Conservative Uptight Ruminative

Name meaning by letters

G – studious, meditating, awareness, analytical, understanding, introvert
A – They are the pioneers, leaders, dominant, independent, individualistic
L – enjoy living, caring, expressive, helping, artistic, creative

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