Hua Name Meaning

Category: Chinese
Number of name: 3
Planet of name: Jupiter
Zodiac: Sagittarius

Numerology Meaning of name Hua (#3)

Ruling Planet of name Hua (Jupiter)

According to Indian Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is karaka planet of knowledge, happiness, learning, fruitful trees, tradesmen, vedic text, Mantras, brilliancy, reading other's mind, astronomy, astrology, intellect, brain, logic, philosophy, proficiency in learning, literature.

Zodiac Meaning of name Hua (Sagittarius)

Positive Traits: Independent Optimistic Risk-Takers Honest Adventurous Curious Reliable

Negative Traits: ImpatientOverly accommodatingDisorganizedFlightyStubbornConflict avoidantUnfocusedPickyOverly serious

Name meaning by letters

H – power-seeking, snobbish, materialistic, highly practical, practical
U – enjoy living, caring, expressive, helping, artistic, creative
A – They are the pioneers, leaders, dominant, independent, individualistic

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