Seong-Min Name Meaning

Sex: Man & Woman
Category: Korean
Number of name: 6
Planet of name: Venus
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra

Numerology Meaning of name Seong-Min (#6)

With their focus on the home and the family, people with the 6 energy dominant in their charts with be seen as ‘motherly‘ or ‘fatherly‘. People will feel safe and comforted by these people. There is a natural love of music, colour and art with these people so you can expect the home they create to be uplifting and a real haven. Their inclination to love and support people makes nursing, care giving, healing and teaching natural Numerology 6 career choices.

In a time frame dominated by the Numerology 6 energy the focus for you should be on your home and your family. It is a time for nurturing those relationships you hold dear, for celebrating life and appreciating the beauty that is around you. It can also be a time to face your responsibilities to others and to ‘pull your weight’ if you haven’t been.

Ruling Planet of name Seong-Min (Venus)

According to Indian Vedic astrology Venus is karaka planet of wife, youth, beauty, vehicles, sexual pleasure, wealth, flowers, scents and perfumes.

Zodiac Meaning of name Seong-Min (Taurus)

Positive Traits: Trustworthy Kind Understanding Logical Patient Organized

Negative Traits: Lazy Dependent Jealous Stubborn Materialistic

Zodiac Meaning of name Seong-Min (Libra)

Positive Traits: Diplomatic Extrovert Intelligent Good Listeners Considerate Balanced

Negative Traits: Non-Confrontational Superficial Detached Indecisive Self-Pitying

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