Four of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Four of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
Name: Four of Cups
Category: Minor Arcana: Cups
Element: Water
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Yes or No: No

Four of Cups General Meaning Upright

  • Frustrated
  • Bored
  • Reevaluating
  • Depressed
  • Contemplating
  • Look within
  • Meditate
  • Withdrawn

Four of Cups General Meaning Reversed

  • Seizing opportunities
  • letting go of regret
  • end of stagnation
  • motivation
  • enthusiasm
  • being proactive
  • interest
  • focus
  • self-awareness
  • focusing on the positive
  • gratitude
  • zest for life
  • re-energised

Four of Cups Love Meaning Upright

  • Boredom
  • Problems in love life
  • Lack of spark in a relationship
  • Indifference to partner
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Depression

Four of Cups Love Meaning Reversed

  • Exit from suspension period
  • Looking for a new love
  • New Relationship Criteria
  • The end of the regret period
  • Full recovery after a breakup
  • Promising future

Four of Cups Finance and Career Meaning Upright

  • Work fatigue
  • Detachment from problems
  • Dissatisfaction with work or career
  • Lack of progress
  • depression
  • Stagnation in business

Four of Cups Finance and Career Meaning Reversed

  • New inspiration or creativity
  • End of stagnation
  • Awareness of your purpose
  • New career milestone
  • Change for the better
  • New ideas and creative solutions

Four of Cups as a Daily Tarot Oracle Card

Oracle short message of day: Dot the is and cross the ts. Go on, do it, do it now..

Daily Tarot Reading

Four of Cups with all Tarot Cards

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Major Arcana

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