Cancer Zodiac Sign Personality

Birthdates:June 22 - July 22
Element of the Cancer zodiac sign:Water
Astrological quality of the Cancer zodiac sign:Cardinal (e.g. activity)
Ruling Planet:Moon
Career Planet:Mars
Love Planet:Saturn
Money Planet:Sun
Planet of Fun, Creativity and Speculations:Pluto
Planet of Health and Work:Jupiter
Planet of Home and Family Life:Venus
Planet of Spirituality:Mecury
Colours of the Cancer zodiac sign:blue, silver
Gems of the Cancer zodiac sign:moonstone, pearl
Metals of the Cancer zodiac sign:silver
Best day of the week for Cancer zodiac sign:Monday
Strongest virtues of the Cancer zodiac sign:emotional sensitivity, the urge to nurture, tenacity
Deepest need of the Cancer zodiac sign:a harmonious family life
Weaknesses of the Cancer zodiac sign:over-sensitivity, negative moods

Cancer Zodiac dates

Cancer personality traits of date of birth. Click on a birthday and get a personal reference.


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