October Zodiac Sign

Peoples born in September 23 - October 23 is a Zodiac sign Libra ♎, and peoples born in October 23 - November 22, is a Zodiac sign Scorpio ♏
Date of Birth Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
October 1 Libra
Positive: ambition, curiosity, friendliness, tolerance
Negative: impulsiveness
October 2 Libra
Positive: magnetism, intuitiveness, sociability, ability to listen
Negative: cruelty, conflict, fear of criticism
October 3 Libra
Positive: sociability, self-sufficiency, reliability, perseverance
Negative: indecision, emotional instability
October 4 Libra
Positive: ambition, determination, creativity, optimism
Negative: mercantilism, capriciousness, eccentricity
October 5 Libra
Positive: independence, diligence, vitality, sociability
Negative: sacrifice
October 6 Libra
Positive: responsiveness, friendliness, persuasiveness
Negative: increased emotionality, impatience
October 7 Libra
Positive: insight, sharp mind, developed intellect
Negative: intemperance, criticality, aggressiveness, indecisiveness
October 8 Libra
Positive: purposefulness, assertiveness, developed intellect, diplomacy, peacefulness
Negative: propensity to experiment
October 9 Libra
Positive: intuition, talent, friendliness
Negative: emotional instability, intolerance, straightforwardness
October 10 Libra
Positive: courage, energy, friendliness, honesty
Negative: tendency to idealization, inconsistency
October 11 Libra
Positive: friendliness, good nature, sharp mind, vivid imagination
Negative: fear of problems, insatiability
October 12 Libra
Positive: purposefulness, energy, sociability, generosity
Negative: gullibility, dependability, carelessness, vulnerability
October 13 Libra
Positive: courage, ingenuity, love of justice, diligence
Negative: closeness, stress tolerance
October 14 Libra
Positive: sociability, responsiveness, developed mind, cheerfulness
Negative: resentment, intolerance to restrictions
October 15 Libra
Positive: optimism, leadership qualities, artistry, sociability
Negative: selfishness, boastfulness, desire to dominate, vanity
October 16 Libra
Positive: energy, determination, perseverance, creative thinking
Negative: rigidity, emotional instability, impulsiveness
October 17 Libra
Positive: efficiency, activity, rationality, organizational skills
Negative: indecision, uncertainty
October 18 Libra
Positive: self-confidence, ambition, self-criticism, diligence
Negative: arrogance, arrogance, arrogance
October 19 Libra
Positive: ambition, courage, self-sufficiency, the ability to convince
Negative: deceitfulness, ruthlessness, unbalance, irascibility
October 20 Libra
Positive: talent, honesty, desire for self-improvement
Negative: unpredictability, volatility
October 21 Libra
Positive: energy, ingenuity, developed intellect, sociability, talent
Negative: irritability, critical approach to life
October 22 Libra
Positive: purposefulness, assertiveness, developed abstract thinking, optimism
Negative: emotional instability
October 23 Libra
Positive: fearlessness, self-confidence, activity, assertiveness
Negative: impulsiveness, jealousy, exactingness, straightforwardness
October 24 Scorpio
Positive: purposefulness, perseverance, openness, peacefulness, developed intuition
Negative: boasting, resentment
October 25 Scorpio
Positive: purposefulness, endurance, justice
Negative: stubbornness
October 26 Scorpio
Positive: purposefulness, diligence, determination, compassion
Negative: cruelty
October 27 Scorpio
Positive: ambitiousness, developed intuition, determination
Negative: dominance, prudence
October 28 Scorpio
Positive: analytical mind, compliance, rationality
Negative: jealousy
October 29 Scorpio
Positive: analytical thinking, good nature, cheerfulness, developed intuition
Negative: fear of judgment, fear of change
October 30 Scorpio
Positive: activity, honesty, ability to keep promises, generosity
Negative: impressionability
October 31 Scorpio
Positive: ambition, creative and strategic thinking, diligence
Negative: dubiousness

Zodiac Signs of all Months

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